Australia country code

How to call Australia using country code ?

Australia is located in Oceania near countries : New Caledonia, New Zealand, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Fiji and East Timor. The international country code to dial Australia is :

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Phone use and access in Commonwealth of Australia

As many Oceanian countries, the international dialing code 61 is only required to call Australia from abroad. Concerning national calls made in Australia, it is not necessary to dial the Australian country code 61. Finally, to call your correspondent in Australia from a country abroad, dial first the prefix of exit which takes one of the following forms: 00 / 011 / 810 and sign "+ " for calls since the mobile phone. These are possible compositions: 0061 / 810 61 / 011 61 / +61.

Some useful informations

  • International access code (exit code) : 0011 (to dial when making calls from Australia to abroad)
  • Australian international dialing code : 61
  • Fixed telephone Subscriptions (2016) : 8180000 Australian subscribers
  • Mobile landline usage : 33.91% of Australians
  • Mobile cellular users (2016) : 26551000 Australian mobile users
  • Mobile phone usage : 110.05% of Australians
  • Internet usage : 88.2% of Australians

Dialing code of neighbouring countries

How to call Australia from USA and Canada

Calling Australian landline phone number

  • enter the exit code '011' ;
  • dial Australia country code : 61 ;
  • dial the area code : For example "3 " is Bendigo area phone code ;
  • add the Australian phone number without the leading '0'.
Illustration : 011 61 3 XXX XXX.

Calling Australian mobile phone number (cellular phone)

  • enter the exit code '011' or '+';
  • dial Australia country code : 61 ;
  • add the Australian mobile phone number without the leading '0'.
Illustration : 011 61 Z XXX XXX. ('Z' represent the cellular area code)

Australia Map

image google map Australia

Australia Map

image google map Australia

About Australia

Australia belongs to the Oceanian continent bordering New Caledonia, New Zealand, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands, Fiji and East Timor. Australian population is about 21262641 inhabitants with an area of 7,741,220 km². The capital of Australia is Canberra and the iso code is : AUS.

What time is it now in Australia ?

Before calling your Australian correspondent , it is important to know what time it is in Australia.
Australian local time :

The current time is 1:37 AM (UTC/GMT 10 hours).

Current day :

We are : Friday April 26, 2024 .


Australian cities area codes

Area code
Calling from USA/Canada/ North America Calling from UK/Australia /France/Europe...
2Wollongong011612 00612
3 Warrnambool011613 00613
2 Wagga Wagga011612 00612
7 Tweed Heads011617 00617
7 Townsville011617 00617
7 Toowoomba011617 00617
2 Tamworth011612 00612
2 Sydney011612 00612
7 Sunshine Coast011617 00617
3 Sunbury011613 00613
3 Shepparton011613 00613
8 Rockingham011618 00618
7 Rockhampton011617 00617
2 Port Macquarie011612 00612
8 Perth011618 00618
2 Orange011612 00612
2 Newcastle011612 00612
3 Mildura011613 00613
3 Melton011613 00613
3 Melbourne011613 00613
8 Mandurah011618 00618
2 Maitland011612 00612
7 Mackay011617 00617
3 Launceston011613 00613
3 Hobart011613 00613
7 Hervey Bay011617 00617
2 Gosford011612 00612
7 Gold Coast011617 00617
3 Geelong011613 00613
8 Darwin011618 00618
2 Canberra011612 00612
7 Cairns011617 00617
7 Bundaberg011617 00617
8 Bunbury011618 00618
7 Brisbane011617 00617
3 Bendigo011613 00613
3 Ballarat011613 00613
2 Albury-Wodonga011612 00612
8 Adelaide011618 00618

Weather conditions at Canberra

41°F / 5°C
clear sky
  • Humidity : 75 %
  • Pressure : 1024 mb
  • Wind Speed : 3 km/h
  • Cloud Cover : 0 %
  • Sunrise : 20:36:13
  • Sunset : 07:27:06
