Guinea-Bissau country code
How to call Guinea-Bissau using country code ?
Guinea-Bissau is located in Africa near countries : Gambia, Guinea, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Mali. The international country code to dial Guinea-Bissau is :
Dialing Codes Finder
Phone use and access in Republic of Guinea-Bissau
As many African countries, the international dialing code 245 is only required to call Guinea-Bissau from abroad. Concerning national calls made in Guinea-Bissau, it is not necessary to dial the Guinea Bissau country code 245. Finally, to call your correspondent in Guinea-Bissau from a country abroad, dial first the prefix of exit which takes one of the following forms: 00 / 011 / 810 and sign "+ " for calls since the mobile phone. These are possible compositions: 00245 / 810 245 / 011 245 / +245.
Some useful informations
- International access code (exit code) : 00 (to dial when making calls from Guinea-Bissau to abroad)
- Guinea Bissau international dialing code : 245
- Fixed telephone Subscriptions (2016) : 0 Guinea Bissau subscribers
- Mobile landline usage : 0% of Guinea Bissau
- Mobile cellular users (2016) : 1 285 835 Guinea Bissau mobile users
- Mobile phone usage : 70.82% of Guinea Bissau
- Internet usage : 3.76% of Guinea Bissau
Dialing code of neighbouring countries
Guinea-Bissau Map
Guinea-Bissau Map
About Guinea-Bissau
Guinea-Bissau belongs to the African continent bordering Gambia, Guinea, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Liberia and Mali. Guinea Bissau population is about inhabitants with an area of km². The capital of Guinea-Bissau is Bissau and the iso code is : GNB.
What time is it now in Guinea-Bissau ?
Before calling your Guinea Bissau correspondent , it is important to know what time it is in Guinea-Bissau.
Guinea Bissau local time :
Current day :
Guinea Bissau cities area codes
Area code | Calling from USA/Canada/ North America | Calling from UK/Australia /France/Europe... |