Moldova country code

How to call Moldova using country code ?

Moldova is located in Europe near countries : Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary and Slovakia. The international country code to dial Moldova is :

Dialing Codes Finder

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Phone use and access in Republic of Moldova

As many European countries, the international dialing code 373 is only required to call Moldova from abroad. Concerning national calls made in Moldova, it is not necessary to dial the Moldovan country code 373. Finally, to call your correspondent in Moldova from a country abroad, dial first the prefix of exit which takes one of the following forms: 00 / 011 / 810 and sign "+ " for calls since the mobile phone. These are possible compositions: 00373 / 810 373 / 011 373 / +373.

Some useful informations

  • International access code (exit code) : 00 (to dial when making calls from Moldova to abroad)
  • Moldovan international dialing code : 373
  • Fixed telephone Subscriptions (2016) : 1 171 287 Moldovan subscribers
  • Mobile landline usage : 28.85% of Moldovans
  • Mobile cellular users (2016) : 3 788 490 Moldovan mobile users
  • Mobile phone usage : 93.32% of Moldovans
  • Internet usage : 71% of Moldovans

Dialing code of neighbouring countries

How to call Moldova from USA and Canada

Calling Moldovan landline phone number

  • enter the exit code '011' ;
  • dial Moldova country code : 373 ;
  • dial the area code : For example "552 " is Bender area phone code ;
  • add the Moldovan phone number without the leading '0'.
Illustration : 011 373 552 XXX XXX.

Calling Moldovan mobile phone number (cellular phone)

  • enter the exit code '011' or '+';
  • dial Moldova country code : 373 ;
  • add the Moldovan mobile phone number without the leading '0'.
Illustration : 011 373 Z XXX XXX. ('Z' represent the cellular area code)

Moldova Map

image google map Moldova

Moldova Map

image google map Moldova

About Moldova

Moldova belongs to the European continent bordering Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Hungary and Slovakia. Moldovan population is about 4320748 inhabitants with an area of 33,851 km². The capital of Moldova is Chisinau and the iso code is : MDA.

What time is it now in Moldova ?

Before calling your Moldovan correspondent , it is important to know what time it is in Moldova.
Moldovan local time :

The current time is 11:26 PM (UTC/GMT 3 hours).

Current day :

We are : Tuesday October 22, 2024 .


Moldovan cities area codes

Area code
Calling from USA/Canada/ North America Calling from UK/Australia /France/Europe...
293Vulcanesti011373293 00373293
236 Ungheni011373236 00373236
533 Tiraspol011373533 00373533
258 Telenesti011373258 00373258
294 Taraclia011373294 00373294
262 S�ngerei011373262 00373262
237 Straseni011373237 00373237
242 Stefan Voda011373242 00373242
230 Soroca011373230 00373230
272 Soldanesti011373272 00373272
557 Slobozia011373557 00373557
256 R�scani011373256 00373256
555 R�bnita011373555 00373555
254 Rezina011373254 00373254
235 Orhei011373235 00373235
271 Ocnita011373271 00373271
264 Nisporeni011373264 00373264
263 Leova011373263 00373263
268 Ialoveni011373268 00373268
269 H�ncesti011373269 00373269
210 Grigoriopol011373210 00373210
249 Glodeni011373249 00373249
250 Floresti011373250 00373250
259 Falesti011373259 00373259
246 Edinet011373246 00373246
215 Dubasari011373215 00373215
252 Drochia011373252 00373252
251 Donduseni011373251 00373251
219 Dnestrovsk011373219 00373219
248 Criuleni011373248 00373248
298 Comrat011373298 00373298
241 Cimislia011373241 00373241
22 Chisinau01137322 0037322
291 Cead�r � Lunga011373291 00373291
243 Causeni011373243 00373243
273 Cantemir011373273 00373273
216 Camenca011373216 00373216
244 Calarasi011373244 00373244
277 Cainari011373277 00373277
299 Cahul011373299 00373299
247 Briceni011373247 00373247
552 Bender011373552 00373552
297 Basarabeasca011373297 00373297
231 Balti011373231 00373231
265 Anenii Noi011373265 00373265

Weather conditions at Chisinau

47°F / 8°C
clear sky
  • Humidity : 71 %
  • Pressure : 1030 mb
  • Wind Speed : 2 km/h
  • Cloud Cover : 0 %
  • Sunrise : 04:32:07
  • Sunset : 15:04:26
