Swaziland country code

How to call Swaziland using country code ?

Swaziland is located in Africa near countries : Mozambique, South Africa, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Zambia. The international country code to dial Swaziland is :

Dialing Codes Finder

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Phone use and access in Kingdom of Swaziland

As many African countries, the international dialing code 268 is only required to call Swaziland from abroad. Concerning national calls made in Swaziland, it is not necessary to dial the Swazi country code 268. Finally, to call your correspondent in Swaziland from a country abroad, dial first the prefix of exit which takes one of the following forms: 00 / 011 / 810 and sign "+ " for calls since the mobile phone. These are possible compositions: 00268 / 810 268 / 011 268 / +268.

Some useful informations

  • International access code (exit code) : 00 (to dial when making calls from Swaziland to abroad)
  • Swazi international dialing code : 268
  • Fixed telephone Subscriptions (2016) : 42 000 Swazi subscribers
  • Mobile landline usage : 3.13% of Swazis
  • Mobile cellular users (2016) : 995 000 Swazi mobile users
  • Mobile phone usage : 74.08% of Swazis
  • Internet usage : 28.5% of Swazis

Dialing code of neighbouring countries

How to call Swaziland from USA and Canada

Calling Swazi landline phone number

  • enter the exit code '011' ;
  • dial Swaziland country code : 268 ;
  • dial the area code : For example "227 " is Hluthi area phone code ;
  • add the Swazi phone number without the leading '0'.
Illustration : 011 268 227 XXX XXX.

Calling Swazi mobile phone number (cellular phone)

  • enter the exit code '011' or '+';
  • dial Swaziland country code : 268 ;
  • add the Swazi mobile phone number without the leading '0'.
Illustration : 011 268 Z XXX XXX. ('Z' represent the cellular area code)

Swaziland Map

image google map Swaziland

Swaziland Map

image google map Swaziland

About Swaziland

Swaziland belongs to the African continent bordering Mozambique, South Africa, Lesotho, Zimbabwe, Botswana and Zambia. Swazi population is about 1123913 inhabitants with an area of 17,364 km². The capital of Swaziland is Mbabane and the iso code is : SWZ.

What time is it now in Swaziland ?

Before calling your Swazi correspondent , it is important to know what time it is in Swaziland.
Swazi local time :

The current time is 2:45 AM (UTC/GMT 2 hours).

Current day :

We are : Sunday October 13, 2024 .


Swazi cities area codes

Area code
Calling from USA/Canada/ North America Calling from UK/Australia /France/Europe...
67 Villaverde de Guadalimar01126867 0026867
322,32Tshaneni011268322,32 00268322,32
343 Siteki011268343 00268343
344 Siphofaneni011268344 00268344
482 Siphocosini011268482 00268482
382, 3Simunye011268382, 3 00268382, 3
422 Sidwashini011268422 00268422
437 Pigg''s Peak011268437 00268437
5 digiOther points0112685 digi 002685 digi
303 Nsoko011268303 00268303
207 Nhlangano011268207 00268207
442 Ngwenya011268442 00268442
333 Mpaka011268333 00268333
312, 3Mhlume011268312, 3 00268312, 3
467 Mhlambanyatsi011268467 00268467
404, 4Mbabane011268404, 4 00268404, 4
517, 5Matsapha011268517, 5 00268517, 5
373 Maphiveni011268373 00268373
505, 5Manzini011268505, 5 00268505, 5
538 Mankayane011268538 00268538
528 Malkerns011268528 00268528
472 Mahwalala011268472 00268472
237 Mahamba011268237 00268237
548 Ludzeludze011268548 00268548
416 Lobamba011268416 00268416
227 Hluthi011268227 00268227
217 Hlathikulu011268217 00268217
363, 3Big Bend011268363, 3 00268363, 3
452, 4Bhunya011268452, 4 00268452, 4

Weather conditions at Mbabane

62°F / 17°C
clear sky
  • Humidity : 94 %
  • Pressure : 1020 mb
  • Wind Speed : 2 km/h
  • Cloud Cover : 7 %
  • Sunrise : 03:18:45
  • Sunset : 15:57:16
