Spanish international phone code : "34"

You have got a call from phone number beginning with 34 or 0034 or 01134 or +34 and you want to know which country is the country code 34.

Which country has 34 as dialing code?

The country code 34 (34 area code) belongs to: 34 code country is preceded either by 00 ( 0034 ) or 011 ( 01134 ) for calls made from USA and Canada and by the sign plus (+34).
Flag of Spain :   

Dialing Codes Finder

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Dialing Codes Finder

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Enter the subscriber phone number

How to call Spain with 34 country code?

Calling Spain from abroad is as simple as calling from Alava to Madrid. Simply replace the 0 before the telephone number to call by 0034 or 01134 if you make call from Canada and USA.
    Example 1 : you are in Germany and you need to talk to the Spanish mobile phone number 0X XX XX XX XX, you have two possibilities to do it:
  • Either 0034 X XX XX XX XX.
  • or +34 X XX XX XX XX if you call from a German mobile phone.
    Example 2 : you are in USA and your caller is in Alava who has the Spanish landline phone number 0945 XX XX XX XX :
  • either you dial 01134 945 XX XX XX XX
  • or +34 945 XX XX XX XX. 945 is the area code of Alava.