Turkey country code

How to call Turkey using country code ?

Turkey is located in Asia near countries : Cyprus, Lebanon, Romania, Greece, Syria and Moldova. The international country code to dial Turkey is :

Dialing Codes Finder

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Phone use and access in Republic of Turkey

As many Asian countries, the international dialing code 90 is only required to call Turkey from abroad. Concerning national calls made in Turkey, it is not necessary to dial the Turkish country code 90. Finally, to call your correspondent in Turkey from a country abroad, dial first the prefix of exit which takes one of the following forms: 00 / 011 / 810 and sign "+ " for calls since the mobile phone. These are possible compositions: 0090 / 810 90 / 011 90 / +90.

Some useful informations

  • International access code (exit code) : 00 (to dial when making calls from Turkey to abroad)
  • Turkish international dialing code : 90
  • Fixed telephone Subscriptions (2016) : 11 077 559 Turkish subscribers
  • Mobile landline usage : 13.93% of Turks
  • Mobile cellular users (2016) : 75061699 Turkish mobile users
  • Mobile phone usage : 94.4% of Turks
  • Internet usage : 58.3% of Turks

Dialing code of neighbouring countries

How to call Turkey from USA and Canada

Calling Turkish landline phone number

  • enter the exit code '011' ;
  • dial Turkey country code : 90 ;
  • dial the area code : For example "272 " is Afyon area phone code ;
  • add the Turkish phone number without the leading '0'.
Illustration : 011 90 272 XXX XXX.

Calling Turkish mobile phone number (cellular phone)

  • enter the exit code '011' or '+';
  • dial Turkey country code : 90 ;
  • add the Turkish mobile phone number without the leading '0'.
Illustration : 011 90 Z XXX XXX. ('Z' represent the cellular area code)

Turkey Map

image google map Turkey

Turkey Map

image google map Turkey

About Turkey

Turkey belongs to the Asian continent bordering Cyprus, Lebanon, Romania, Greece, Syria and Moldova. Turkish population is about 76805524 inhabitants with an area of 783,562 km². The capital of Turkey is Ankara and the iso code is : TUR.

What time is it now in Turkey ?

Before calling your Turkish correspondent , it is important to know what time it is in Turkey.
Turkish local time :

The current time is 1:43 PM (UTC/GMT 3 hours).

Current day :

We are : Monday December 2, 2024 .


Turkish cities area codes

Area code
Calling from USA/Canada/ North America Calling from UK/Australia /France/Europe...
372Zonguldak01190372 0090372
354 Yozgat01190354 0090354
226 Yalova01190226 0090226
432 Van01190432 0090432
276) Usak01190276) 0090276)
428 Tunceli01190428 0090428
462 Trabzon01190462 0090462
356 Tokat01190356 0090356
282) Tekirdag01190282) 0090282)
346 Sivas01190346 0090346
486 Sirnak01190486 0090486
368 Sinop01190368 0090368
484 Siirt01190484 0090484
414 Sanliurfa01190414 0090414
362 Samsun01190362 0090362
264 Sakarya01190264 0090264
464 Rize01190464 0090464
452 Ordu01190452 0090452
388 Nigde01190388 0090388
384) Nevsehir01190384) 0090384)
436 Mus01190436 0090436
252 Mugla01190252 0090252
482 Mardin01190482 0090482
236 Manisa01190236 0090236
422 Malatya01190422 0090422
274 Kutahya01190274 0090274
332 Konya01190332 0090332
262 Kocaeli01190262 0090262
386 Kirsehir01190386 0090386
288 Kirklareli01190288 0090288
318 Kirikkale01190318 0090318
352 Kayseri01190352 0090352
366 Kastamonu01190366 0090366
474 Kars01190474 0090474
338 Karaman01190338 0090338
344 Kahramanmaras01190344 0090344
262 Izmit01190262 0090262
232 Izmir01190232 0090232
212 Istanbul Avrupa (Europe side)01190212 0090212
216 Istanbul Asya (Asia side)01190216 0090216
246 Isparta01190246 0090246
476 Igdir01190476 0090476
324 Icel (Mersin)01190324 0090324
326 Hatay01190326 0090326
438 Hakkari01190438 0090438
456 Gumushane01190456 0090456
454 Giresun01190454 0090454
342 Gaziantep01190342 0090342
222 Eskisehir01190222 0090222
442 Erzurum01190442 0090442
446 Erzincan01190446 0090446
424 Elazig01190424 0090424
284 Edirne01190284 0090284
412 Diyarbakir01190412 0090412
258 Denizli01190258 0090258
364 Corum01190364 0090364
376 Cankiri01190376 0090376
286 Canakkale01190286 0090286
224 Bursa01190224 0090224
248 Burdur01190248 0090248
374 Bolu01190374 0090374
434 Bitus01190434 0090434
426 Bingol01190426 0090426
228 Bilecik01190228 0090228
458 Bayburt01190458 0090458
488 Batman01190488 0090488
378 Bartin01190378 0090378
266 Balikesir01190266 0090266
256 Aydin01190256 0090256
466 Artvin01190466 0090466
478 Ardahan01190478 0090478
242 Antalya01190242 0090242
312 Ankara01190312 0090312
358 Amasya01190358 0090358
382 Aksaray01190382 0090382
472 Agri01190472 0090472
272 Afyon01190272 0090272
416 Adiyaman01190416 0090416
264 Adapazari01190264 0090264
322 Adana01190322 0090322

Weather conditions at Ankara

33°F / 1°C
broken clouds
  • Humidity : 80 %
  • Pressure : 1020 mb
  • Wind Speed : 2 km/h
  • Cloud Cover : 75 %
  • Sunrise : 04:52:02
  • Sunset : 14:23:22
